My very first posting has been offered up to the cyber gremlins!
I was so excited that I’d been able to create my own blog and had stated that I was hoping that the rest of this technological adventure wouldn’t be as complicated or scary for me and then something happened. I have no idea just what though….
When in doubt I simply blame it on the “cyber gremlins” (which is more fun than admitting to operator failure) and they have received their share of unintended offerings in the past. Thank goodness for writing to a flash drive and using the copy/paste “thingy” so I’ve got a record of what I was babbling about.
The question “Who else is a Luddite?” is a polite form of asking who else is completely useless when faced with computers, software programs, the internet and other electronically operated things. I am the woman who refers to the television remote control as the “idiot stick” because I’m the one who can’t make it work; note I said nothing about programming it!
The only reason I’ve learned the minimum about using a laptop and the internet is simply because I love to write, scribble, keep a journal, wonder about various moments in life, stay in touch with friends and family via long distance and type writer ribbons are getting hard to find.
One purpose of this blog is to post some of the many photos I’ve taken over the past few years, both in Honduras and in Canada and to share the stories from those times and other ones that I’ve written as communal newsletters. Other than that, I’m not sure just what else I want to do here – maybe swap recipes, garden adventures, travel stories or ideas about writing with other folks; maybe provide a space for folks who are as curious and sometimes as confused, about the world we live in as I am. Who knows, I’ll just see how this evolves.
This is going to be a ridiculously complicated learning curve for me, so if folks who stumble on this blog have tips for me, please share. Information is power and I’m the first one to admit it when I need help.
Okay, let’s see if this gets posted or if the cyber gremlins are still hungry……
Time to Post Again
8 years ago
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